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How to Get Rid Of Red Velvet Ants Naturally

Are you tired of those fiery red velvet ants crawling around your garden or backyard?

These cow killer ants can be a real pain with their stings and disruptive behavior. But don’t worry, you don’t have to resort to harmful chemicals to get rid of them.

There are natural methods that can deter and remove these pesky bugs from your outdoor spaces. One popular technique is using diatomaceous earth, a powdery substance made from fossilized marine organisms.

This substance pierces the ants’ exoskeletons and dehydrates them, killing them in the process. Another method is attracting birds into your yard since they prey on insects like red velvet ants.

But wait, there’s more. You can also create a natural insecticide spray using essential oils such as peppermint, tea tree, or citrus.

This will safely and effectively repel red velvet ants from your space. Additionally, applying nematodes (microscopic worms) to the ants’ tunnels and nests will help reduce their population.

Dealing with red velvet ants not only protects your garden but also keeps your family and pets safe from harmful insecticides. So try these natural ways to have a pest-free space in an eco-friendly manner.

Are Red Velvet Ants Dangerous?

These insects are often mistaken for ants, but they are actually wingless wasps.

Their striking appearance, with their bright red and black coloration, makes them stand out. But the question remains: are they dangerous?

Despite their nickname, “cow killer ants,” red velvet ants are not considered to be harmful to humans. While their sting is known to be one of the most painful insect stings in North America, they are not aggressive towards humans and will usually run away or hide rather than attack.

However, it’s important to note that some people may have an allergic reaction to their sting. If you encounter a red velvet ant, it’s best to avoid handling them if possible.

Although they are not a threat to humans, they can pose a risk to pets such as dogs. Dogs may be curious and try to investigate these insects, which can lead to a painful sting.

If your pet is stung by a red velvet ant, monitor them closely for any signs of an allergic reaction or other adverse effects. But what if you have a red velvet ant problem at home?

There are natural ways to deter them without harming them. Diatomaceous earth is a popular option – this natural powder can be sprinkled on areas where you see the insects and will cause them to dehydrate and die.

Essential oils such as peppermint, lavender, or tea tree oil can also be used as a deterrent. Mix a few drops with water in a spray bottle and apply it in areas where red velvet ants are found.

Another natural option is vinegar – mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and apply it to areas where you see the insects. You can also spray the solution directly onto ant hills to kill them at the source.

However, it’s still important to exercise caution around them and avoid handling them if possible.

How to Get Rid of Red Velvet Ants Naturally with Diatomaceous Earth

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If you’re struggling with a red velvet ant infestation, you may be looking for a natural solution to get rid of these pesky bugs.

Diatomaceous earth

Luckily, diatomaceous earth is an effective and non-toxic way to eliminate red velvet ants from your home and yard.

Diatomaceous earth is a safe and natural substance that’s made from the fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of algae. When sprinkled around areas where red velvet ants are present, it works by dehydrating and damaging their exoskeletons. This causes the insects to die off over time.

To use diatomaceous earth as a red velvet ant killer, simply sprinkle a thin layer of the substance around areas where you’ve seen the ants or suspect they might be living.

This can include outdoor areas like gardens, lawns, and flower beds, as well as indoor areas like basements or crawl spaces. It’s important to wear gloves and a mask when applying DE, as it can be harmful if inhaled.

It’s worth noting that diatomaceous earth may take several days or even weeks to work, so patience is key. Additionally, it’s important to reapply the substance after rain or watering, as it can become less effective when wet.

In addition to diatomaceous earth, there are several other natural remedies that can help eliminate red velvet ants from your home and yard.

Essential oils

Essential oils like peppermint, lavender, and tea tree oil are known for their insect-repelling properties and can be mixed with water or sprinkled on cotton balls around your house and yard.


Another natural remedy for red velvet ants is vinegar. Vinegar is a natural ant killer that can be mixed with water in a spray bottle or directly applied to ant hills to kill the ants at the source.

While these natural remedies can be effective in getting rid of red velvet ants, it’s important to remember that they may not be a permanent solution. To prevent future invasions, it’s important to address the underlying cause of the infestation by removing their food sources or sealing cracks and crevices where they may be entering your home.

How to Get Rid of Red Velvet Ants Naturally with Essential Oils

These brightly colored wasps can cause harm to both humans and pets, making it essential to get rid of them as soon as possible. While chemical pesticides can be effective, they can also be harmful to the environment and your health.

Fortunately, there are natural remedies you can use to get rid of red velvet ants, such as using essential oils.

Essential Oils

Essential oils like peppermint, tea tree, and eucalyptus are highly effective at repelling red velvet ants. These oils contain powerful compounds that insects find unpleasant, making them an excellent natural solution for getting rid of red velvet ants.

Simply mix a few drops of your preferred essential oil with water and spray the solution around areas where red velvet ants have been sighted.

You can also soak cotton balls in the oil and place them near entry points to your home.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil has a strong scent that is highly effective at deterring red velvet ants from entering your home or garden. Tea tree oil has antifungal, antibacterial, and insecticidal properties that make it an effective repellent for red velvet ants. Eucalyptus oil has a potent scent that can mask the pheromones that ants use to communicate with each other.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a natural substance made from fossilized diatoms. It works by dehydrating the exoskeleton of insects like red velvet ants, causing them to die. Spread diatomaceous earth around areas where you have seen red velvet ants and leave it for a few days. Make sure to wear a mask while applying the powder as it can be harmful if inhaled.


Vinegar is another natural substance that can be used to repel red velvet ants. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and apply the solution directly to any red velvet ants that you see. You can also spray the solution around your home or yard to discourage them from entering.

Citrus Peels

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Citrus peels are also effective in repelling red velvet ants. Place citrus peels near entry points to your home or areas where you have seen red velvet ants. The strong scent of citrus peels can mask the pheromones that ants use to communicate with each other.

Dish Soap

Dish soap is another effective natural remedy for getting rid of red velvet ants. Mix a few drops of dish soap with water in a spray bottle and apply the solution directly to any red velvet ants that you see. The soap will break down their exoskeletons, causing them to dehydrate and die.

How to Get Rid of Red Velvet Ants Naturally with Vinegar

Red velvet ants, also known as cow killer ants, are a pesky insect that can cause injury to humans and pets. Fortunately, vinegar is a simple and safe way to get rid of these ants.

Vinegar contains acetic acid, which dissolves the ant’s exoskeleton’s protective layer, causing it to dehydrate and die. In this blog post, we will explore five sub-sections on how to use vinegar to get rid of red velvet ants naturally.

Disrupting the Ants’ Pheromone Trails

Did you know that vinegar can damage ants’ pheromone trails? The strong smell of vinegar disrupts the ants’ pheromone trails, which they use to communicate with each other, making it difficult for them to navigate. This is why using vinegar as a repellent is effective in keeping red velvet ants away from your home.

Vinegar as a Natural Insecticide

Acetic acid, found in vinegar, is known to be a natural insecticide that destroys the protective layer of the ant’s exoskeleton, causing it to dehydrate and die. This makes vinegar an effective solution for killing red velvet ants. However, keep in mind that vinegar may not completely eliminate the problem and may only provide a temporary solution.

Using Vinegar Safely Outdoors

While vinegar is safe for humans and pets, it can damage plants if used excessively or in concentrated amounts. Therefore, be careful when using it in outdoor areas where there are plants nearby. It is best to dilute vinegar with water before spraying it on plants or using it near their roots.

A Combination of Natural Remedies and Preventative Measures

To fully get rid of red velvet ants, it is recommended to use a combination of natural remedies and preventative measures such as removing food sources, sealing cracks and crevices, and keeping your home clean and tidy. While using vinegar as a natural solution for getting rid of red velvet ants is a simple and safe method that can be effective in small infestations or as a preventative measure, it may not be as effective on large infestations or colonies of ants.

Other Natural Ways to Get Rid of Red Velvet Ants

First up is diatomaceous earth, a powdery substance made from fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton. It works by piercing the exoskeletons of red velvet ants, causing them to dehydrate and die.

Sprinkle a thin layer of it around the edges of your yard or along your home’s foundation, but make sure to wear gloves and a mask when handling it because it can irritate your skin and lungs. Citrus oils such as lemon, lime, and orange are also great natural insecticides that repel red velvet ants.

Mix 10-15 drops of citrus essential oil with one cup of water in a spray bottle and apply it to areas where these pests frequently appear. Vinegar is another natural remedy that can help get rid of red velvet ants.

Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle and apply the solution to areas where you frequently see them. Last but not least, cinnamon is a natural ant repellent that can be used to discourage red velvet ants from entering your home.

While these natural methods may require some patience and persistence to work effectively, they are safe and eco-friendly alternatives to chemical insecticides.

Prevention Tips for Keeping Red Velvet Ants Away

These pesky insects are known for their painful sting and can be a danger to both humans and pets. Luckily, there are several natural prevention tips that can help keep red velvet ants away. Here are some expert-approved prevention tips to try:

Maintain your lawn and garden

Red velvet ants love to hide in tall grass, weeds, and overgrown vegetation. Regularly mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, and removing weeds will make your yard less attractive to these pesky insects.

Seal off entry points

Red velvet ants can crawl through even the tiniest openings, so make sure all doors, windows, and other entry points to your home are properly sealed. Use caulk or weather-stripping to seal up any gaps or cracks that may provide a point of entry for red velvet ants.

Keep food and garbage properly stored

Red velvet ants are attracted to food and garbage. Keep all food in sealed containers and dispose of garbage in tightly sealed trash cans.

Use natural repellents

There are several natural repellents that can help keep red velvet ants away. Cinnamon, peppermint oil, citrus oils, and vinegar are all effective options. Simply sprinkle these substances around your home and garden to deter red velvet ants.

Keep your pets indoors

Red velvet ants can be dangerous to dogs, as their sting can cause pain and swelling. If you have pets, consider keeping them indoors during the day when red velvet ants are most active.

By following these prevention tips, you can effectively keep red velvet ants away from your home and garden. Not only will this reduce the likelihood of encountering them, but it will also help ensure that you can enjoy spending time outdoors without fear of getting stung.

Additionally, there are a few extra tips to consider to help keep red velvet ants away from your property naturally:

Water your lawn and garden regularly

Red velvet ants prefer dry, sandy soils, so watering your lawn and garden regularly will make it less inviting for them.

Clean up food spills and debris

Ants are attracted to food sources, so keeping your kitchen and outdoor dining areas clean is essential.

Remove standing water

Red velvet ants do not like moisture, so eliminating standing water sources around your property will discourage them from coming around.

Remember, prevention is key when it comes to dealing with these pesky insects. By following these tips and staying aware of potential entry points for ants around your home and garden, you can effectively keep red velvet ants at bay.


Red velvet ants can be a real nuisance, but there’s no need to resort to harmful chemicals or polluting the environment to get rid of them.

Instead, you can use natural remedies like peppermint and tea tree oil, vinegar, citrus peels, and dish soap to repel or kill these pesky insects.

There are also several ways to prevent red velvet ants from entering your home naturally, such as mowing your lawn and garden regularly, sealing off entry points, storing food and garbage properly, and using natural repellents indoors.

It’s important to remember that while these natural methods may require patience and perseverance, they are safe and eco-friendly alternatives to chemical insecticides.

By following these guidelines and staying vigilant for potential entry points for ants, you can effectively keep red velvet ants at bay without harming the environment.